The Anarchist Manifesto
- Naïve Communists Want to Build the Perfect House of Cards
June 8, 2021
Today we take a look at a recent manifesto setting out Antifa’s goals and what life will look like after the anarchist revolution.
But first we have to have the revolution. It won’t be a Sunday picnic. A black militant, who lived and died by the sword, urged rioters to match the police weapon-for-weapon and bring bombs and rocket launchers to their insurgency operations.
The manifesto talks about ending colonialism and anti-blackness. Put more bluntly, “Settler societies must be destroyed.” Not only that, the entire global system of nation states and borders must be abolished. No more United States, no more Canada, just people deciding what communities they want to be a part of, and how they wish to be constituted. Sure, that’ll work even though it’s never been tried. The entire manifesto is full of unicorns and rainbows like this. These anarchists have absolutely no idea what they’re doing. But if you don’t like it, the manifesto says they will persuade you to see the errors of your ways - by force, if necessary. Nice smile, teeth of iron.
Next comes the program of full-on communism. Workers of the World, unite and seize your workplaces. Everyone will have a right to food, housing, and healthcare. Housing is a little tricky, though, because the revolutionaries are bent on destroying the nuclear family. So your right to housing just might mean being stuffed into an apartment with lots of strangers putting up curtains for privacy and sharing one bathroom. Sound like fun? That’s what’s happened in other communist countries - communal living at its finest.
The substitution of race for class warfare in the modern communist program is complete. The manifesto says, “Resources related to education and healthcare may be taken from wealthy neighborhoods for the benefit of racialized neighborhoods.” From each according to their ability, and to each according to their race.
This includes full reparations to nonwhites for the evils of capitalism, never mind that capitalism has produced unprecedented wealth and created broad middle classes the world over. The process of reparations will be mostly peaceful, the manifesto assures us. But if you have to crack a few eggs or displace multitudes to far-flung territories by force, so be it. If land has to be seized and neighborhoods taken over wholesale, well then by any means necessary. These ideas are supported by Black Lives Matter.
Meanwhile, “[a]ll police forces are abolished” and “total opposition to prisons” will be the new norm. More unicorns and rainbows, but a goal shared by Black Lives Matter. Instead of police and prisons and a criminal code, we will have conflict resolution, and transformative justice, and the sharing of resources to promote healing and reconciliation. Kumbaya, baby! ”Weapons taken from the disbanded police and military will be distributed among Black, Indigenous, and other racialized communities.” Hmm... What happens if they don’t like each other? Feel safer, yet?
OK, so these anarchists who want to tear down the system turn out to be just communists after all, and pretty naïve ones at that. Their manifesto is so 1848 and, for all the talk about racial justice, chock-a-block full of ideas that come from dead white Europeans. The whole program sounds a lot like the Soviet Union to me, but favoring blacks instead of the proletariat and including displacement to far-flung territories otherwise known as Siberia. Don’t forget: the Soviet Union went kaput after just 75 years. One party rule by a party that pretends to speak for all the people is not sustainable. The anarchist manifesto doesn’t sound like a recipe for healing the planet to me. Instead, it sounds like a lot of pain for ultimately no gain, slapped together by people whose thinking has not advanced since 1848 and have not a clue about real governance or the political stability ensured by mixed constitutions throughout the history of political science. And if you anarchists don’t know what ‘mixed constitution’ means, look it up. You just might learn something
- Naïve Communists Want to Build the Perfect House of Cards
June 8, 2021
Today we take a look at a recent manifesto setting out Antifa’s goals and what life will look like after the anarchist revolution.
But first we have to have the revolution. It won’t be a Sunday picnic. A black militant, who lived and died by the sword, urged rioters to match the police weapon-for-weapon and bring bombs and rocket launchers to their insurgency operations.
The manifesto talks about ending colonialism and anti-blackness. Put more bluntly, “Settler societies must be destroyed.” Not only that, the entire global system of nation states and borders must be abolished. No more United States, no more Canada, just people deciding what communities they want to be a part of, and how they wish to be constituted. Sure, that’ll work even though it’s never been tried. The entire manifesto is full of unicorns and rainbows like this. These anarchists have absolutely no idea what they’re doing. But if you don’t like it, the manifesto says they will persuade you to see the errors of your ways - by force, if necessary. Nice smile, teeth of iron.
Next comes the program of full-on communism. Workers of the World, unite and seize your workplaces. Everyone will have a right to food, housing, and healthcare. Housing is a little tricky, though, because the revolutionaries are bent on destroying the nuclear family. So your right to housing just might mean being stuffed into an apartment with lots of strangers putting up curtains for privacy and sharing one bathroom. Sound like fun? That’s what’s happened in other communist countries - communal living at its finest.
The substitution of race for class warfare in the modern communist program is complete. The manifesto says, “Resources related to education and healthcare may be taken from wealthy neighborhoods for the benefit of racialized neighborhoods.” From each according to their ability, and to each according to their race.
This includes full reparations to nonwhites for the evils of capitalism, never mind that capitalism has produced unprecedented wealth and created broad middle classes the world over. The process of reparations will be mostly peaceful, the manifesto assures us. But if you have to crack a few eggs or displace multitudes to far-flung territories by force, so be it. If land has to be seized and neighborhoods taken over wholesale, well then by any means necessary. These ideas are supported by Black Lives Matter.
Meanwhile, “[a]ll police forces are abolished” and “total opposition to prisons” will be the new norm. More unicorns and rainbows, but a goal shared by Black Lives Matter. Instead of police and prisons and a criminal code, we will have conflict resolution, and transformative justice, and the sharing of resources to promote healing and reconciliation. Kumbaya, baby! ”Weapons taken from the disbanded police and military will be distributed among Black, Indigenous, and other racialized communities.” Hmm... What happens if they don’t like each other? Feel safer, yet?
OK, so these anarchists who want to tear down the system turn out to be just communists after all, and pretty naïve ones at that. Their manifesto is so 1848 and, for all the talk about racial justice, chock-a-block full of ideas that come from dead white Europeans. The whole program sounds a lot like the Soviet Union to me, but favoring blacks instead of the proletariat and including displacement to far-flung territories otherwise known as Siberia. Don’t forget: the Soviet Union went kaput after just 75 years. One party rule by a party that pretends to speak for all the people is not sustainable. The anarchist manifesto doesn’t sound like a recipe for healing the planet to me. Instead, it sounds like a lot of pain for ultimately no gain, slapped together by people whose thinking has not advanced since 1848 and have not a clue about real governance or the political stability ensured by mixed constitutions throughout the history of political science. And if you anarchists don’t know what ‘mixed constitution’ means, look it up. You just might learn something