The Discontenterati
Destroying Faith in the Left One 'Grain of Discontent' at a Time Thanks for the idea, Vlad. FORWARD! The latest news from the Anticommunism Action Team January 8, 2025 JOIN OUR MAILING LIST - It's Free (and your contact information is never sold or shared) [email protected] |
“I really like killing”
Che Guevara: Castro’s Executioner (watch video below - 40,000 views!) |
From each according to their ability,
to each according to their obedience |
Follow the News Here on Captive Nations and Communists in the United States "THE BEST SOURCE OF ARTICLES ABOUT THE COMMUNIST WORLD"
- Agustin Blazquez, Cuban Refugee, R.I.P. The award-winning documentary #FreeChina, in which ACAT Speaker Jennifer Zeng is a main character, is available to watch for free on #Tubi
Those who can make you believe
absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire |
ACAT Speakers Bureau Gets the Word Out
- available anywhere through videoconferencing / no speaker fees
-- [email protected]
- available anywhere through videoconferencing / no speaker fees
-- [email protected]
9/2 - Karen Schoen Show
Ciprian Ivanof (Romania) - Defects of Communism
9/2 - Karen Schoen Show
Jennifer Zeng - Elections & State-Owned Enterprises in China
8/19 - Karen Schoen Show
Darian Diachok - The Follies of Central Planning
9/2 - Karen Schoen Show
Ciprian Ivanof (Romania) - Defects of Communism
9/2 - Karen Schoen Show
Jennifer Zeng - Elections & State-Owned Enterprises in China
8/19 - Karen Schoen Show
Darian Diachok - The Follies of Central Planning
Cuba Is Crumbling (World Round-Up)
- Erik Seligman, Contributor -- see Erik’s excellent website Stories of Communism --- check out the joint ACAT/Stories of Communism book The Revolution of Promises: Reflections of a Cuban Exile |

R.I.P. Dr. Lee Edwards, 1932-2024
Dr. Edwards was the visionary co-founder of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, the influential congressionally-chartered lodestar in Washington, D.C. The conservative movement had no better champion or friend. A great man, he was unfailingly kind and encouraging to us.
New Book by Our Friend Michael S. Gloukhov
Sofia-Brussels-Washington: From Serfdom to Freedom to Self-Accomplishment: Finding the American Dream - As the author told us, “It describes the Cold war misery in Bulgaria, the terror in the communist army and the counter-reaction, the escape to the West, life and success in Belgium, moving to the US and joining the Navy reserve. It is a political autobiography with educational character for readers of all ages.”
Free Hillsdale Course: Marxism, Socialism, and Communism -
This course looks at Marx’s life and writings, the misery and brutality in the Soviet Union, the atrocities of communist China, and the proliferation of Cultural Marxism in America. Students explore how many ideas animating American politics today are rooted in Marxism, and yet how they differ from Marx’s thought. By taking Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and the Frankfurt School seriously, we can see the injustice and evil inherent in all strands of Marxism. We also better understand the critiques of communism made by Mises, Hayek, and Solzhenitsyn. We are, therefore, better equipped to defeat it. Details from our friends at STARRS here.
Cuba Is Crumbling
Cuban socialism fails to provide reliable power. (Is Gavin Newsom taking notes?)
If that wasn't bad enough, Cuba's water infrastructure is failing as well.
Cuba also cuts bread ration by 25%.
In case someone somehow managed to succeed without electricity, water, or bread, Cuba cracks down on private enterprise.
Cubans continue to risk their lives fleeing to the US in homemade boats. Strange how they fail to appreciate all the fairness and equality their country provides.
Cuba arbitrarily tortures and executes prisoners, behaving "as a violent criminal organization masquerading as a government".
World press yawns as widespread torture continues in Venezuela-- including children.
Venezuela continues to suppress independent journalism, continuing a policy launched over 20 years ago.
Reports of Venezuelan government operatives infiltrating the US under cover of Biden's wave of illegal "migrants".
Venezuelan protestors risk their lives to destroy government statues and billboards.
Nicaragua shuts down thousands of Christian and independent organizations.
Nicaragua further expands powers of the Ortegas, centralizing control of all branches of government, including censorship policies.
The Sun Never Sets on the Socialist Empire
Leftist-controlled Mexico wants to replace free-market food stores with government rationing. What could possibly go wrong?
Pink Tide Bolivia is surprised to discover that drug prices are affected by economics.
Sri Lanka decides to try solving their economic crisis with the magic of Marxism.
Senior North Korean diplomat abandons the workers' paradise to defect with his family, after getting in trouble due to insufficient bribery.
Dr. Edwards was the visionary co-founder of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, the influential congressionally-chartered lodestar in Washington, D.C. The conservative movement had no better champion or friend. A great man, he was unfailingly kind and encouraging to us.
New Book by Our Friend Michael S. Gloukhov
Sofia-Brussels-Washington: From Serfdom to Freedom to Self-Accomplishment: Finding the American Dream - As the author told us, “It describes the Cold war misery in Bulgaria, the terror in the communist army and the counter-reaction, the escape to the West, life and success in Belgium, moving to the US and joining the Navy reserve. It is a political autobiography with educational character for readers of all ages.”
Free Hillsdale Course: Marxism, Socialism, and Communism -
This course looks at Marx’s life and writings, the misery and brutality in the Soviet Union, the atrocities of communist China, and the proliferation of Cultural Marxism in America. Students explore how many ideas animating American politics today are rooted in Marxism, and yet how they differ from Marx’s thought. By taking Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and the Frankfurt School seriously, we can see the injustice and evil inherent in all strands of Marxism. We also better understand the critiques of communism made by Mises, Hayek, and Solzhenitsyn. We are, therefore, better equipped to defeat it. Details from our friends at STARRS here.
Cuba Is Crumbling
Cuban socialism fails to provide reliable power. (Is Gavin Newsom taking notes?)
If that wasn't bad enough, Cuba's water infrastructure is failing as well.
- Socialism can’t even provide drinking water. Hard to blame this one on the U.S. trade embargo; the water’s right there.
Cuba also cuts bread ration by 25%.
In case someone somehow managed to succeed without electricity, water, or bread, Cuba cracks down on private enterprise.
Cubans continue to risk their lives fleeing to the US in homemade boats. Strange how they fail to appreciate all the fairness and equality their country provides.
Cuba arbitrarily tortures and executes prisoners, behaving "as a violent criminal organization masquerading as a government".
World press yawns as widespread torture continues in Venezuela-- including children.
Venezuela continues to suppress independent journalism, continuing a policy launched over 20 years ago.
Reports of Venezuelan government operatives infiltrating the US under cover of Biden's wave of illegal "migrants".
Venezuelan protestors risk their lives to destroy government statues and billboards.
Nicaragua shuts down thousands of Christian and independent organizations.
Nicaragua further expands powers of the Ortegas, centralizing control of all branches of government, including censorship policies.
The Sun Never Sets on the Socialist Empire
Leftist-controlled Mexico wants to replace free-market food stores with government rationing. What could possibly go wrong?
Pink Tide Bolivia is surprised to discover that drug prices are affected by economics.
Sri Lanka decides to try solving their economic crisis with the magic of Marxism.
Senior North Korean diplomat abandons the workers' paradise to defect with his family, after getting in trouble due to insufficient bribery.
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